Kindla graafiku järgi töötamine on keeruline.

Pilt on asendatud, kuna vana kadus ära. Sarnaselt, idee on igal hetkel rohkem filmilaadne olla, aga asendatud kõigest sõnadega.


A car sped through mist in a silence, its quiet engine barely humming as it pulled the rest of the car along on the long and seemingly never ending highway. The road was smooth, covered in quality asphalt and the tires almost didn't even make a sound as they rolled across it. Inside the car it was similarly quiet, the radio was on, but on the lowest setting and playing relaxing music. The driver had a fixed gaze on the road in front of him, his eyes scanned the darkness on both sides of the car every now and again. The steering wheel was in his grip and seemingly similarly fixed as his stare. The rest of the car was empty, but for the lone sports bag on the back seat. The bag was filled with about nine hundred thousand American dollars, a 9mm handgun and three full clips of ammunition. The driver contemplated his deeds of the day and how well he would get away with it. He was heading for the next nearest city, but with today's interconnectivity, he was somewhat afraid that the whole nation might already be aware of his  crime. He had made sure there were no cameras anywhere in sight, it had been the deep, dark night and the silencer he had used, was still in his pocket. He kept it near him, to reassure himself of the smoothness at which it had all worked out.

A huge luminous sign in the distance brought his attention to how little he had eaten in the last few days. He could recall one time. He stopped his car near the end of the parking lot, so he could get back on the road with ease. Inside the diner, he pulled into a darker corner, where some of the lights flickered and the air smelled of the unalluring mixture of vomit and cleaning products. Walking back to his car, he pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and a single cigarette from there. The pack went back into his pocket, but the lone cigarette he lit up. To do this, he stopped a step from his car. After he sat inside, he didn't do much for a while. The air conditioning was on, but the car seemed to fill up with smoke nevertheless. He let the windows down in the front seats and woke up as the first rays of sunlight met with his shut eyelids. The left side of his head hurt more than anything he had ever experienced. As he managed to open his eyes, he saw the place where his car had sped off from, the dark tire marks marking the spot where he had lost everything he had gained in his life.

"What happened to you, son?" asked a friendly deep voice, as a figure blocked the sunlight blinding his face. "I.. I don't know... My car.. it's gone, and..." his words got stuck in his throat as he realised he was talking to an officer of the law. He looked around and sure enough, there was a police cruiser parked in the lot, with some other officer talking to who he vaguely remembered to be a waitress from the diner. He hastily pushed himself up, leaning on the wall behind him and pulling away from the officer. The pain slashed his head in two and the image of the waitress talking to the policeman was imprinted in his mind. Her figure was the only thing he knew for the next few seconds and as he trashed about the officer next to him tried to lend a helping hand, alas he panicked even more. The policeman held him strong in place and with only his feet free, he pushed the wall next to them, tipping them both over. The officer took most of the blow and hit his head on the asphalt surface of the parking lot ground. His hands fell loose and the driver jumped up, bumped into the wall again and took off at the police cruiser. The other policeman was too involved in the conversation with the waitress, with whom he was currently discussed classical films to notice the man any second before he got hit in the face with his fist. The waitress jumped away, screaming and the officer fell down onto the cruiser, sliding off its hood shortly afterwards. The man leaped at the door of the car, pulled it open and stood stunned as a bullet tore through his lung.

Tõlkimatu jama

See on nüüd siis... miniatuur?, aga võõras keeles. Uni-linguals beware!


Jebediah felt empty inside. He had missed. He had worked so hard, spending countless hours working towards this one single goal. But he had missed. Everything he had trained for, was now lost. This was the climax of his life and he had not been good enough. He didn't dare think what would come next. After all, there shouldn't even have been any questioning even of his own certainty that he would not miss. But he did it was the end of the world. He wasn't even sure what was going on. Was this real? Could this be the real world, in which he had worked, for years, towards this one, single, simple goal? But every time a new question wandered into his mind, his body felt the ruff wave of emotion, that came with the ultimate defeat. He felt helpless and his body went numb.

Eventually his mind went numb as well and he spent the next 40 years of his life staring a wall, in a white room with a single bed. His days were uneventful, but his conciousness was not even there. His family visited now and again, and hoped something got through, even if they knew it simply wasn't possible for him to even try to comprehend the real world in any way. Functionally he was in a coma, but awake. His body reacted, but it was like he simply didn't care about anything any more.

The doctors theorized that some thought processes were still going on, that maybe his mind was stuck in that single moment in time, when he had lost a chance at everything he considered a goal in life. His moment of defeat, flashing infinitely in front of his eyes, not stopping until his physical body gave up.

But one day he woke up, without feeling like a day had passed. But everything had passed. His wife had succumbed to old age and their only daughter had died in a car crash many years ago. But he felt himself still a young man. Facing a small defeat, but otherwise ready and willing to continue on. His enthusiasm, inappropriate for his age gave him a heart attack and he died almost instantly after returning to mental stability.

Armastus suri ära / Kus on sinu jumal nüüd?

armastus on surnud
nihilistid sõid selle
sõid selle ära
kohe täiesti ära

holistiline veekeetja:
keedab ära kogu vee. see on doomsday device, mis hävitab paratamatult oma looja ja siis, kui kõik vesi on keenud, teeb plõksu, teatamaks, et vesi on keenud.

apelsinirasvaga sõitev karavan:
seda veavad hobused ja selle laadungiks on apelsinirasv. apelsinirasv on moodustis mida saab vedada vaid karavaniga mööda siiditeed. olemuselt on see õunasiider mis on segatud võiga ja rikastatud polooniumiga. selle tootmissaladusi teavad vaid apelsinihaldjad ja ainsad kes on võimelised reaalselt seda tootma on indoneesia päritolu poltergeistid, kellel on evolutsiooniline eelis polooniumiimmuunsuse näol. sest polooniumit on seal tõesti palju. selle toote ainus turg on peamiselt türgis asutsev gnostikutest minarettide kogukond, kes kasutavad seda alternatiivina viskile.

aurumootoriga pikksilm:
eriti mõttetu innovatsioon mis töötab läbi selle et on aurumootor mis kasutab kivisöe asemel tuumajäätmeid ja siis läbi selle töötamise muutub pikksilm järjest pikemaks. mootorit ei ole võimalik peatada, või vähemalt keegi ei julgeks sest pikksilm tõmbuks uuesti kokku jõuga, mis muudaks selle singulaarsuseks, hävitades kõik oma ümbruses. küll aga oleks see lõpuks piisavalt pikk toimimaks kosmoseliftina. vähemalt selle ümber saaks selle ehitada. sest see ei ole tehtud metallist vaid nanomillestiganes, mis on väga vastupidav. ilmselt.

heeliumiga täidetud malendid:
klaasist malenupud mis on seest õõnsad ja heeliumit täis. SEST NII SAAB TEHA.


pärastlõuna, ootamine
kõne, ootamine
otsimine - leidmine, ootamine
ühistranspordis ootamine
kohalejõudmise ootamine
tegude ootamine

soojuse otsimine,
kohvi otsimine
sigareti otsimine



Transmehaaniline sigarett

Võtaksin selle momendi, et tutvustada oma uusimat leiutist. Tõsi küll, see eksisteerib ainult ideelisel tasandil, kuid ühel päeval - ma ütlen teile - viin ma selle ellu.

Essentsilt on tegu sigaretiga, mis ei toimi mitte läbi vulgaarse imemisprotsessi vaid mida toetab transmehaaniline mootor. Nimelt on kirjeldataval riistapuul tohutu bensiinimootor, mis seisab titaanist taburetil, mille keskel olevast august tuleb välja üks ovaloidse kujuga metall karp, mille sees on kett, hammasrattad ja mille külgedelt eralduvad pedaalid, mida tuleb vändata, et käivitada bensiinimootor ning, et seda elus hoida, sest mootor lõpetab töö kohe kui lõppeb väntamine.

Selle aparatuuri kohal seisab väike rõngjas ava kuhu tuleb horisontaalselt sisestada spetsiaalne sigarett. Spetsiaalne, sest erinevalt tavalisest sigaretist, millel on filter ja tubakas vahetus kontaktis, on kõnealusel sigaretil neid kahte osa eraldav seest õõnes alumiiniumist silinder, mille alumisel küljel on väike auk, millesse ühendub väike masinast tulev toru.

Nüüd kui need osad on ühendatud paneb tarbija sigareti filtriotsa suhu ja hingab nagu ta normaalselt hingaks, süütab sigareti ja alustab väntamist. Väntamine käivitab protsessi, mille käigus bensiinimootor teeb tarvilikke protsetuure läbi mille põlev bensiin imeb sigaretil olevast silindrist välja õhu luues vaakumi, mis tõmbab suitsu endasse ja sealt läbi filtri tarbija suhu.

Võib tekkida küsimus, miks ei tõmba vaakum endasse tubakat. Vastus on lihtne. Tubaka ja tühjuse vahel on väike auklik, sõela meenutav plaat, mis ei lase läbi tubakat.

Mootori disain ja täpse toimimise üksikasjad on parasjagu alles täpsustamisel, aga selline on üldine idee. Tegu võib olla pealtnäha mõttetu leiutisega, aga ma ütlen teile - ühel päeval on transmehaaniline sigarett igas kodus. Miks? Sest lapsed armastavad steampunki ja vanemad tahavad õnnelikke lapsi! Kes tegelevad spordiga! HURRAA!


Varsti tulemas: aurumootoriga pikksilm, holistiline veekeetja, apelsinirasvaga sõitev karavan ja paljud teised uudsed leiutised, millele pole maailmas kohta.